3 Powerful Spiritual Practices


Id like to share with you 3 powerful practices you can do everyday continuously which create unmistakable results. I have been using them everyday and have led me to inner peace and a positive mental attitude toward life. These 3 alone can be more powerful then attending 100’s of seminars and reading 100’s of books on spirituality. You may even experience results immediately after they are applied. So before I begin I want to go over what the goal of spirituality is. The goal of spirituality and most religions, the goal is ultimately the same. It is to transcend the Ego and achieve enlightenment. Enlightenment can be described as finding infinite peace, finding the peace of God, it is being at One with life. When the Ego, which is the false sense of self has been let go, you no longer identify with the content of your mind and you experience a spiritual awakening. Now I will tell you the 3 practices which assist in Spiritual awakening.
Forgiveness is a powerful spiritual practice because of its results. What it does is help you release trapped negative energy from your spirit. That negative energy can come in many different forms such as anger, the angry thoughts and feelings you have towards another or from someone said or did to you. The resentments from the past that you have failed to or refused to let go of, they then get protected out onto other people or events consciously or unconsciously. The lack of forgiveness is basically trapped life energy which is blocking you from experiencing true love, just as the dark clouds of the sky block the sun from shining.
Spirituality is about being free from giving negative energy the power to effect you. Although we still may experience set backs and disappointments, The Unawaken person may hold onto the negativity, energize it through the mind and emotions and thus create suffering on themselves as well as others, whereas someone who is spiritually awake, may experience the negativity but refuse to hang onto it and make it into a sad story. This is where the miracle of forgiveness comes in. Forgiveness means to see through a situation and refuse to hold on. You accept that the event happened, and you let it go simply by realizing you don’t want to suffer the burden anymore. People who don’t forgive are pretty much drinking poison and expecting their enemy to die. It doesn’t work that way so all you can do is remove the poison from your own heart by forgiving the other as well as yourself.
I often get asked the same question when I tell people they need to forgive, and it may be your question as well…”HOW CAN I FORGIVE THIS PERSON OR SITUATION AFTER THE PAIN THEY HAVE CAUSED ME??” Ill give you 2 reasons, #1 is you forgive them Because there is no such thing as a perfect human being. We all make mistakes and most of the time we have to realize that people who create harm on others as well other life forms have been taken over by negative energies. In other words they are unconscious, completely cut off from there true essence. So instead of hating them and allowing there negativity to rub off on us, it is better to feel sorry for them. We learn to look through there character defects rather then directly at them. #2 is we forgive them simply because we don’t want to be effected by there negative energies. Im constantly forgiving people as soon as I have the opportunity whether I come across any form of judgment or critical remark from others. This keeps me in a state of peace and acceptance. I hear people complaining and bad mouthing others whether im out in public, or when I over hear people on t.v. they are talking about, gossiping and going on about what someone said or did to them in the past, but if they would have forgiven, then that negative energy would no longer be in there consciousness. You can see the evidence of this when Jesus was tortured on the cross, instead of projecting a negative attitude or hating them, he said “Forgive them for they no not what they do”. He was refusing to allow that negative energy to be trapped in his soul and felt sorry for them aa they did not know they were carrying there own burdens. So if you want to remain a free spirit and maintain a deep sense of inner peace and unconditional love, practice daily forgiveness as often as possible.

The Art of Stillness
The Art of Stillness is a state which Anchors you in the present moment. When you learn to live in the present moment, you are at Peace. It is the feeling of Oneness and being Whole. When you practice the Art of Stillness, you no longer dwelling in the past, or anxious about what life will bring. You just remain centered in the Now. There is quite and inner light. Since a spiritual awakening is achieved when the Ego is transcended, the Art of Stillness helps you experience that non egoic state which is in complete oneness with life. You will here it from many spiritual teachings that only when the Mind is still can you experience this self realized state. You will begin to realize you are not your thoughts or emotions, but the one who is witnessing them. You will realize that you are not a body, you just live in a body. You are not your name, your title or possessions, but the one who is experiencing them.
Here is a daily practice you can do to become still, sit quietly, and bring your attention to your breath. Notice the air flowing in and out of your body. Just try this for 15 minutes. And as soon as any thought comes up, don’t judge it, don’t get lost in it or try to change it, just simply return to the breath over and over. You are training your mind to become still. It doesn’t have to be your breath, it can be an object or sound as well. If there is a near by object, begin to stare at it giving it your full attention. Focus on it without any thought giving it a label or judgement. Just return your focus on the object, focus on its texture, its shape, color or material, in a complete non judgmental way. Your mind is becoming still. If there are any sounds around, such as the hum of an air condition, follow the sound, listen with your undivided attention. Thoughts will arise but simply return to following the sound, you are again practicing stillness. Through stillness, we are less in the past and less in the future, we are in the present, which is at peace which ultimately is a powerful spiritual practice. So make sure to incorporate the art of Stillness as one of your daily rituals.

Sending Love
Last but not least of the powerful spiritual practices is Sending Love. As I am sure most people know this by now, if not then congratulations to the new knowledge you are about to here. That is that our thoughts and Emotions send out a Vibration to the Universes. They go out as a ripple effect similar to how ripples of water go out after a pebble is dropped in it, that vibration we put out flows right back to us. When we send love to the Universe we are offering a Vibration and the universe is responding to what we have put out. By sending love to the universe, could be towards a person place or situation, we are then setting our selves up to receive love right back to us. Every gift returns to the giver. I say to send love because it is the ultimate law of the universe. It is the Highest State of Consciousness right next to peace and Enlightenment which is beyond description. Love is the aim of most or if not all religions and spiritual teachings. It has the power to heal ourselves as well as others. Love is what makes the miraculous possible.
So how do you send love to people? Very simple, you simply wish apon others as you would wish apon yourself, just as you would do unto others as you would do unto yourself. And of course, if you wish great things to happen for you, to have inner peace, to be fulfilled, successful and have a great life for yourself as well as others, then start wishing it upon others, mentally and emotionally. Pick any 3 people in your life, could be more if you’d like, but just mentally picture them being happy and fulfilled with there life, use affirmations for example ..”Albert I wish you the best for you and your family” or Kimberly, I hope you and your family have a great life together. If you do this everyday, as I have is you will notice your attitude towards the other person has improved, not only that, but your attitude about yourself as well as your self esteem went up, simply because when you uplift others, you uplift yourself. As I been practicing sending love, even my inner dialogue has become more positive. Start wishing the best apon people, even if you don’t like them or think they are annoying, trust me, you are benefiting yourself mentally emotionally and spiritually. Not only that but you are helping to counter balance all the negativity on the planet.
I appreciate you taking the time to read this, I know forgiveness, the art of Stillness and Sending Love will create a powerful spiritual transformation in your life, as they helped me. I didn’t just make these up, I just encountered them through my countless hours of study and application. If you have any questions, shoot me a DM. others wise take care and may you be blessed!

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On a journey to raise the human consciousness by helping to wipe out all negativity! Follow me on Instagram @chris_mindfulness

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